Apr 02 2020

Invoice Generation

Billing is a core part of a running a freelance or consultancy. Without it, you would not get paid! I am of the opinion that an invoice does not need to look pretty. An invoice only needs to clearly convey the details of the bill. Bonus points are given for a small file size with searchability.

Mar 28 2020

Name that Algorithm: #1

The veterans in the software industry recognize code as a liability. Code is not an asset! Maintaining 10 lines of code is easier than maintaining 100 lines of code. Similarly, 100 lines of code is easier to maintain than 1000. By reducing the size of the code, we can squeeze bugs out of their hiding place.

Mar 18 2020

A Simple Tool: Memento

I love simple tools. They are easy to write, maintain, and deploy. Memento is one of these tools. I created Memento back in 2017 and is still humming on a Digital Ocean server despite ignoring the Docker container for three years. I’m a huge fan of Docker deploys, but I think that post is for another day.

Mar 14 2020

Monkey Patching Modules

It is easy to get in the isolated TDD groove and implement a bunch of well-tested methods. Once it comes to utilizing these methods, we get excited and just go for it. We forget the bigger picture and proper decoupling principles.

Mar 10 2020

Lodash FP

Although an avid user of Lodash, I have not really touched the Lodash FP module. I thought that it was not too different than the set of original functions. After noticing an annoying amount of repetition in my code, I decided to peek into it.

Mar 07 2020

From Promises to Fluture

Today I was a little adventurous and decided to look into alternatives to JavaScript Promises. They are a fine pattern, but I thought it would be cool if I added some functional to the mix.

Mar 01 2020

Authentication with Higher Order Functions

I have a small Express.js side project that I occasionally pick up. I just got to the point where I need to enforce authentication over several routes. I implemented a simple higher order function (HOF) that loads an authenticated user into the req object.