Feb 12 2019

Ledger-CLI Gets the Job Done

If you are a business owner or avid budgeter, you surely know the importance of accounting. Since I love text files and data organization, I rely on ledger-cli for my money tracking needs. The most evident benefits of the CLI software stem from ideas mentioned in my other posts. Instead of doing the usual rant, I am going to share how I use ledger.

Feb 07 2019

Design and Single Page Applications

Design is more than just appearance. The world of software design can encompass performance, code architectures, tooling, paradigms, strategies, and a dozen other topics. In regards to single page applications, it seems that there is excessive catering to appearances at the expense of many, many other categories. This is unfortunate because not only do the developers suffer, but the users do too! While the developers mainly struggle from a technical standpoint, users can become frusterated with defective software or slow delivery of features.

Jan 05 2019

A case for text files: Encoding & Organization

Text files can be a great choice for organizing and analyzing your data. It tends to be more free-form than a proprietary application, allowing you to adapt with ease.

Aug 10 2018

It's Okay, You Can Wait to Optimize

This website is far from DRY principles. It is not optimized and does not scale. I do not use any markdown generators, layout templates, or bundled CSS frameworks. You may ask “Why Jake? Why would you do such a thing?”

Jul 29 2018

Business First, Solutions Last

Too often, people become confused with what they are actually trying to accomplish. This especially occurs in business. Non-optimal (or completely incorrect) solutions result in loss of time, money, and opportunity. How can one navigate their attention and conversations to what matters?

Jul 20 2018

All Hail .txt Files

Since ~3000 B.C. written records have existed – they keep the world organized and document history. In the modern age, this could simply be a .txt file.